Creature Designz:Body: (Ball style design) The petz are modelled as a set of balls joined by lines with variable parameters. The Catz game also comes with the (already spayed/neutered, so no freakish hybrids unless you do a bit of tweaking) Bunniez breed, and Dogz players get Pigz. Oddballz: 102, Dynaroo, Grinnz, Honker, Jester, Lips, Modvark, Norvil, Quadrpus, Scorch, Snowbow, Walret, and Zott.Added in Petz 5 were the German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Jack Russel Terrier, Papillion, and Pug.
Catz: Alley Cat, Black & White Shorthair (B&W), Calico, Chinchilla Persian, Main Coon, Orange Shorthair (Oshie), Persian, Russian Blue, Siamese, and Tabby.